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  • 5 Reasons You Might Want To Take Out A Payday Loan
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In an ideal world, you never have financial problems since the cash you need to cover your unexpected expenses is always with you. But let’s face it: there are a few people who can manage their finances well and have an emergency fund at all times. Much more often they live from paycheck to paycheck and are forced to look for other ways to get themselves through to the next paycheck.

If you are one of them, it might be a smart idea to familiarize yourself with payday loans. The latter is a type of short-term small-dollar financing that lets you borrow money quickly and requires no credit check. In general, you can use a payday loan for just about anything, but it is always interesting to see when consumers seek this sort of loan the most. So, here are the five most common reasons.

When You Might Need a Payday Loan: 5 Reasons

A payday loan may be a smart choice in a variety of situations when you need to deal with not large financial emergencies that don’t require a high-dollar amount. This type of loan might also work if you are okay with the high fees and short repayment timeline.

For instance, imagine you should pay over $300 now but your next paycheck will come only in two weeks. In this case, you may consider taking out a payday loan. However, remember that it could be safe only if you have a clear plan of repayment and even a backup option. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will fall behind on payments and default on your loan.

Filld Loans

As mentioned above, there are multiple situations that bring up the need for this type of loan, including: 

  • Unexpected expenses
  • Hospital bills
  • Home repairs
  • Family members
  • Personal events

Let’s take a closer look at these five common reasons for payday loans.

1. Covering Unexpected Expenses

More than half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Out of them, more than 12 million customers take out a payday loan each year. Thanks to the quick deposit and easy qualification process of this type of financing, borrowers are able to cover all the unexpected costs within a few working days.

So, a payday loan is very convenient, even though it is by no means cheap. They come with high-interest rates, additional fees, and short repayment timelines that quite often are hard to pay off. But if you have no other options to cover your day-to-day expenses, such as utility bills, rent, or food, you may consider payday loans.

2. Paying for Hospital Bills

The next most common reason for a payday loan is covering medical bills. All Americans know firsthand how costly one visit to a hospital can be. It can generate multiple medical bills even for those who have the requisite insurance perks. Thus, consumers mostly borrow payday loans Filld to pay existing hospital debts off or even to take care of upcoming medical expenses that are not a part of their insurance.

3. Getting Home Repairs

The last thing everyone wants to face has something to do with home damage. To protect their place of living, nearly four in ten customers seek payday loans. The latter provides them with fast extra cash to cope with broken pipes, and damaged home appliances, among others. Unlike credit cards, payday loans don’t require you to have a specific credit score or to secure your home as collateral. This means you don’t lose your property even if you fall behind on the loan payments.

4. Helping Friends & Family Members

Sometimes, life throws financial hardships on the people in your closest circle. Again, you can use a payday loan to help them get out of this tough position as soon as possible. It is especially important if those people have no opportunity to qualify on their own for various reasons. Along with that, you might consider taking out a payday loan to repay your family/friend you borrowed some cash from.

5. Covering Personal Events

Last but not least, a payday loan could come in handy with any short-term financial troubles that life throws your way. So, if you have been planning something for a while and then have faced extra out-of-pocket expenses, don’t get upset. You may borrow from your payday lending provider and repay the principal with your next paycheck. That said, it is still crucial to look ahead and start working on your emergency fund.

When You Need to Look for Other Options

Since payday loans are meant for you to spend on short-term solutions mentioned above, they are not commonly used for refinance, debt consolidation, or other higher finance costs that may appear. Unlike regular sources of financing, they have much shorter repayment periods, smaller borrowing amounts, and higher interest rates. So, it is worth weighing out all the pros and cons before applying for this type of loan. Remember that this can affect your credit and financial history in a negative way if you are not careful with your repayment agenda.


A payday loan can help you cover a variety of expenses, such as home repairs, medical bills, car improvements, or food costs, among others. If you decide that this type of loan is right for you, shop for it as far in advance as possible. It is crucial to give yourself at least a few days to do your research and compare options available on the market. Pay your attention to such key features as interest rates, extra charges, and terms. And don’t take out a payday loan until you agree to its conditions and have a clear repayment plan in your head.

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